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For Parents

School Improvement Team

The School Improvement Team helps keep the school on track by analyzing our student achievement data and then developing a plan for continuous school improvement. Learn more about the Strategic Planning Expectations and Prairie Ridge's School Improvement Plan.

All students at Prairie Ridge Elementary work together to do their P.A.R.T.:

Personal Best
Active Listening
Truth and Trust

Individual and Class Cougar Cards are handed out to individuals and classes who are setting a great example of doing their PART!

Parent Involvement

Parent involvement is key to the success of the school and students' academics. There is a variety of ways for parents to get involved; for example, with our PTO and School Improvement Team. These groups continually look for ways to improve Prairie Ridge Elementary. In addition, parents can also become:

 Guest readers
Playground supervisors
Classroom helpers
Contributors of "wish list" classroom supplies

Prairie Ridge PTO

You can start your experience at Prairie Ridge Elementary by joining the PTO at its monthly meetings. The PTO meets at 6 p.m. every third Wednesday in the upstairs library. Free childcare provided.  

You can also visit the PTO website.

2024-25 Student Handbook
updated Sept. 10, 2024